About Us
Acumen Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd is a licensed deposit taking Society regulated by Sasra operating under license SS/0191/21.
The Sacco undertakes two types of activities: Back Office Service Activities (BOSA), in which the Sacco offers Savings & Loans and Front Office Service Activities (FOSA), in which the Sacco offers banking facilities to members.

To empower our members economically through savings mobilization, provision of affordable, innovative and accessible financial services.
To empower our members economically through savings mobilization, provision of affordable, innovative and accessible financial services.
Core values
The following values guide our member service: Customer focus, Integrity, Professionalism, Transparency & accountability and Team work.
Our Objective
The main objective of the Sacco is to mobilize savings in order to promote the welfare and economic interest of members. The savings will help the Sacco to build a base where members can easily obtain affordable credit.