School Fees Loan

This product enables members to pay school fees for their children. The maximum period is 12 months.
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Sambaza Loan

Issued to a member with an outstanding development loan. Must been paid for at least 3 months.
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J-sort Loan

Repayment period is 1 month upto 3 months. Interest rate 5.2%p.m. Ceiling amount is Kshs 150,000
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Jijenge Loan

Credit Product. Acumen Sacco Jijenge loan is issued at 5 times of our member's deposits.
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Development Loan

Credit Product. The loan enables members to get funds for development.
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Emergency Loan

Enables members to get funds for emergency with a repayment period of up to 12 months.
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Real Estate Loan

Repayment period is up to 48 months. Interest rate is 1.25% reducing balance. Loan amount is up to 3 times members’ deposit.
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Mobile loan

Maximum amount of Kshs 20,000. Maximum repayment period is 1 months.
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Salary advance

Member salary MUST be channeled through FOSA account. Maximum repayment period is 3 months.
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Rent advance

Member rental income MUST be channeled through FOSA account. Repayment period is 1 months
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Dividend advance

Available 3 months prior to close of the year. Repayable after 3months.
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